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Annie 一字肩抹胸上衣 粉


COLOUR: Powder

  • 快点,只有 8 件有货!


  • 我们知道度假收拾行李是一项挑战,因此我们为您打造了美丽的环境。 尽情享受我们最喜欢的比基尼上衣,粉色 Annie 一肩抹胸式上衣。 这是一款专为比基尼爱好者打造的比基尼上衣,可与浅粉色透明泳衣罩衫完美搭配,与浪漫的日落和露台上美味的甜味鸡尾酒相得益彰。 这款粉色抹胸式比基尼饰有超细双肩带,打造超级时尚的穿着者。 让我们知道您的喜好。
  • 包括可调节肩带
  • 内置衬垫口袋,带衬垫
  • 加倍提供纯粹保护
  • 订购前请阅读我们的退货和换货政策。下订单意味着了解并同意我们的政策。

1. 组成和保养
  • 78% ECONYL® 再生尼龙 ( PA )
  • 22% 弹性纤维 (EA)
  • 40°C 手洗
  • 平放晾干
  • 不要烘干
  • 最高熨烫温度为 110°C (230°F)
  • 在此处阅读我们的综合指南,了解如何保养您的新可持续泳衣
2. 尺寸和合身性
  • 贴身舒适。加大尺寸穿着更舒适
  • 模特身高 177/5'10,穿 S 码
  • 如需了解更多信息,请查阅我们的 尺寸指南 或联系我们
  • Koraru 的面料是高级技术面料,可能会比较贴身。如果您喜欢宽松的版型,请增大尺码。
Collection Story

Our CORAL Collection of classic designs and our signature Coral Print is a celebration of the ocean. Comprising of three sustainable bikinis and a one-piece, we created each style with timeless shapes in mind and a colour palette inspired by colours found underwater, making them an unparalleled fit for life at the beach and holidays that will turn into life-long memories.

3. 织物故事
  • ECONYL® 再生纱线
  • 耐超氯
  • 耐防晒霜和油
  • 防紫外线
  • 形状保持
  • 柔软的
  • 抗起球
  • 额外的舒适度
  • 完美契合
  • 出色的覆盖范围
4. 发货和退货
  • 请在自己家中舒适地试用我们的服装。如果不合适,或者您想要不同的尺寸,您可以在 14 天内申请换货或退货,并将它们寄回给我们。
  • 我们的客户服务团队随时准备为您提供帮助,请登录 customercare@koraru.co。
  • 请阅读我们的送货政策,了解更多送货选择。
  • 请在订购前阅读我们的退换货政策。下订单意味着了解并同意我们的政策。
  • 所有 "最终折扣 "商品均为最终商品,只能以商店积分的形式退款或更换不同尺码,但需视货源情况而定。
luxury swimwear for maternity made from soft fabrics that feel like shapewear
Best sustainable swimwear Koraru presents pink bandeau bra made from soft and high quality materials
bandeau top that is comfortable and offers high support in pink color made from eco friendly fabrics that donates to the ocean for every piece sold, koraru is an ethical swimwear brand
comfortable bikini bra that is made from sustainable fabrics is made so you can swim in it or run after your kids on the beach. Be comfortable and stylish in Koraru swimwear
if you are looking for your next favourite bikini, koraru is the best place to shop. You will find comfortable and flattering pieces that will make you look stylish and comfortable for swimming and playing sports
the best active swimwear is made from soft and comfortable fabrics, you can swim in our bikinis and enjoy lounging in the sun in our pink feminine swimwear made from technical fabrics
this is swimwear you can play sports in. Ifyou wanna play sports on the beach, this is the best active swimwear on the market made from recycled fabrics by koraru, the best sustainable swimwear brand
Annie one shoulder bandeau bikini top in pink from sustainable luxury swimwear brand Koraru
swimwear that is technical like sportswear, perfect for athletic people who want to enjoy the sun and swim in comfortable swimwear
  • Koraru 从售出的每套套装或单件中捐出 5 美元给珊瑚礁联盟


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    订单金额超过 250 美元,可享受全球免费送货服务

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